The PTSD Foundation: How America Helps Veterans Heal from the Unseen Wounds of War

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition affecting millions of people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, such as war, violence, abuse, or natural disasters. PTSD can cause severe distress, anxiety, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, and other symptoms which interfere with daily functioning and quality of life.

For many veterans who have served in combat zones, PTSD is a common and debilitating challenge that they face upon returning home. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), about 11-20% of veterans who served in Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) developed PTSD at some point before or after discharge. Moreover, veterans with PTSD are at a higher risk of suicide, substance abuse, homelessness, and other problems.

Fortunately, there is hope and healing for veterans with PTSD, thanks to the efforts of the PTSD Foundation of America (PTSDFA), a non-profit organization that provides free and effective services to combat veterans and their families. The PTSDFA was founded in 2009 by David Maulsby, a former Army chaplain who saw the need for more support and resources for veterans struggling with PTSD. Since then, the PTSDFA has grown to become one of the leading organizations in the country dedicated to helping veterans overcome PTSD.

What does the PTSD Foundation of America do?

The PTSDFA offers a variety of programs and services to help veterans with PTSD, such as:

  • Camp Hope: Camp Hope is a residential facility located in right here in Houston, Texas, that provides intensive peer-to-peer mentoring and counseling for veterans with PTSD. Camp Hope offers a 90-day program that includes individual and group therapy, spiritual guidance, physical fitness, life skills training, and recreational activities. Camp Hope also provides transitional housing and assistance for veterans who graduate from the program and want to reintegrate into society. Camp Hope has served over 1,500 veterans since its inception in 20122, and has a remarkable 90% graduation rate.

We recently toured the Camp Hope facilities, and are inspired by the amazing work they are doing for the 110 veterans who are utilizing these at any given time.

Learn more here: Camp Hope – PTSD Foundation of America | Providing Hope and Healing for the Unseen Wounds of War (

  • Warrior Groups: Warrior Groups are weekly support groups that meet in various locations across the nation. Warrior Groups are led by trained facilitators who are also combat veterans or family members of combat veterans. Warrior Groups provide a safe and confidential space for veterans to share their stories, challenges, and successes with other veterans who understand what they are going through. Warrior Groups also offer education, resources, and referrals to other services that can help veterans with PTSD.
  • Outreach Events: Outreach Events are community-based events that aim to raise awareness and funds for the PTSDFA and its programs. Outreach Events include fundraisers, galas, golf tournaments, concerts, motorcycle rides, and more. Outreach Events also provide opportunities for veterans to connect with other veterans and supporters in their area.
  • National Hotline: The National Hotline is a 24/7 toll-free number that anyone can call to get help or information about PTSD. The National Hotline is staffed by trained volunteers who also are combat veterans or family members of combat veterans. The National Hotline can provide crisis intervention, emotional support, referrals to local services, and information about the PTSDFA and its programs.

You can reach them here: 877-717-PTSD (7873)

How can you get involved with the PTSD Foundation of America?

If you are a veteran with PTSD, or a family member of a veteran with PTSD, you can get involved with the PTSDFA by:

  • Seeking help: If you are suffering from PTSD or any other mental health issue, you are not alone. There is help available for you. You can call the National Hotline at (877) 717-7873 to talk to someone who cares and understands. You can also visit the PTSDFA website to find a Warrior Group near you or apply for Camp Hope.
  • Sharing your story: Sharing your story can be a powerful way to heal yourself and inspire others. You can share your story on the PTSDFA website, on social media using the hashtag #PTSDUSA, or at an Outreach Event near you.
  • Supporting others: Supporting others who are going through similar challenges can be rewarding and meaningful. You can support others by volunteering as a facilitator for a Warrior Group, as a mentor for Camp Hope, or as a hotline operator for the National Hotline. You also can support others by donating money or items to the PTSDFA or its programs.

If you are not a veteran or a family member of a veteran, but want to support the cause of the PTSDFA, you can get involved by:

  • Learning more: Learning more about PTSD and its impact on veterans and their families can help you understand and empathize with their struggles. You can learn more by visiting the PTSDFA website, reading books or articles on PTSD, watching documentaries or movies on PTSD, or listening to podcasts or interviews on PTSD.
  • Spreading the word: Spreading the word about the PTSDFA and its programs can help raise awareness and funds for the organization. You can spread the word by following and sharing the PTSDFA on social media, by hosting or attending an Outreach Event, or by inviting a speaker from the PTSDFA to your school, workplace, church, or community group.
  • Showing appreciation: Showing appreciation to veterans and their families can make a enormous difference in their lives. You can show appreciation by saying thank you, writing a letter, sending a gift, or offering a discount or a service to veterans and their families.

The PTSD Foundation of America is a remarkable organization that is making a positive impact on the lives of veterans and their families who are affected by PTSD. The PTSDFA provides hope and healing to veterans with PTSD through programs such as Camp Hope, Warrior Groups, Outreach Events, and the National Hotline. The PTSDFA also welcomes any who wish to get involved with its cause, whether by seeking help, sharing their story, supporting others, learning more, spreading the word, or showing appreciation. The PTSDFA is a shining example of how compassion, courage, and community can heal veterans from their unseen wounds of war.

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