Shipping Industry Calls on UN to Help Seafarers Still Trapped in Ukraine

A bulk carrier departs the Port of Odessa, Ukraine, February 13, 2020. Credit: VolodymyrT /

by Mike Schuler

One year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, 331 seafarers and 62 ships remain trapped in Ukrainian ports.

The international shipping industry has launched a joint call to the U.N. Secretary General to prioritize the immediate release of seafarers and ships that remain trapped in Ukrainian ports.

An open letter, initiated by the International Chamber of Shipping and signed by more than 30 maritime organizations and companies, calls on UNSG António Guterres to immediately take the necessary actions to return the trapped seafarers to safety…

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We at Herd Law Firm represent seamen from the Ukraine, and encourage all parties to allow the seamen safe passage home

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